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Film Processing and Research of Chemical Ratio or Practices

Writer: James WaylingJames Wayling

Practice of Lomography Film

Lomography – Ratio of different chemical ratio and processing times for each type of chemical developer.

After the progression of practicing and learning the use of Ilford film, the exploration of Lomography film was a new challenge and beginning in practising and understanding the darkroom practices of negative processing and printing quality (Plus starting early, was a meaningful notion because unlike digital, it takes time and dedication to understand the materials and how the photographer wants a specific detail or tones from the performance of the negative into the print stages). With the Architecture of Milton Keynes, this was the early development and stages of pushing self-knowledge and skills of analogue to the test, finding and researching the type of chemicals needed and ratios to process the film at very high-quality standards when presenting it as a profession or skill towards the clients who want this type of images for stock purposes.

To understand the Lomography Lady Grey Film, the amount of research and understanding the processing of the film progress time with developer film was quite interesting and unique, since it needed a specific type of chemical to process fully and be seen clearly and positively as a complete negative to be used either as an analogue print or scanned image into a digital image. But getting carried away with the areas of what can be done with the negative, discovering the requirements and knowledge of the ratios and chemical, demonstrated the commitment and dedication needed to understand the film/analogue industry either as a darkroom practitioner for commercial, business or art reasoning within photography as a spectrum.

The research of the processing ratio and chemical, display that the Lomography film needed these type of chemical and times to fully develop the negatives completely. But it did not display Ilford, which was tested on the scrap end of the negative (didn’t want to risk the whole negative if it was a fail – wasting time and dedication) if it worked as a success or failure with that type of chemical but did work successfully only as the Stop and Fixer when it is Ilford but not developer. Ilford developer, made it too weak and overexposed when used as a test example for developing the scrap example from the end piece of the negative (Should have scanned/photograph it to show proof but seen too much of a little deal to be presented as an issue or problem). Looking into the only chemical type of Kodak TMax Developer, which was a stronger and reliable source than Ilford developer within the darkroom.

After the chemical mathematic ratios and times of process, the testing of the reliability or usage was key due to the fact of finding the Lomography Lady Grey 400, traits, characteristic and nature of the film can deliver towards my work if furthered or used for self-analogue photography within portraiture, documentary and artistic purposes if looking for a more richer tone and contrast within negative which could be show through the printing stages (either in the darkroom or digitally printed).

Testing the quality and detail Lomography gives towards my photography (This type of photography when into another project but was another foundation of understanding analogue practices


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